
The canine nasal mite Pneumonyssoides caninum is reported from many countries (probably worldwide) and inhabits the nasal cavity, nasopharynx and frontal sinus.

Benadering van chronische rhinitis bij katten

Tijdens de ISFM precongressdag 2012, voorafgaand aan de BSAVA te Birmingham, presenteerde prof. Danièlle A. Gunn-Moore een interessante lezing over rhinitis bij katten. Deze aandoening komt bij katten veel voor en persisteert regelmatig als chronische aandoening. De symptomen zijn: niezen, neusvloei en ademhalingsmoeilijkheden. Lees verder...

Nasal mites: a tale of six dogs (and then one)

The canine nasal mite Pneumonyssoides caninum is reported from many countries (probably worldwide) and inhabits the nasal cavity, nasopharynx and frontal sinus. Little is known about its life-cycle. Clinical signs include sneezing, reverse sneezing, and impaired olfaction. Diagnosis is established by direct observation of the mites in or around the external nares or endoscopically in the nasopharynx or nasal cavity. Follicular hyperplasia in the nasopharynx should arouse suspicion even when mites are not visualized. An interesting article about six cases of nasal mites.